Featured Listings
“I can sell any mooring that is listed for sale, and some that are not”
CALL BOB 310 795 2311
These are my top mooring listings for your review.
Inside Harbor 40 ft #107
This is a primo location on the widest fairway for 40ft moorings on the inside.
Easy access, and lots of room for picking up the mooring “pin”. This mooring is a
“not to miss” and will go FAST!! Hurry, a great deal!!!!
Bob Locke 310 795 2311
Mooring #107 - $305,000
ring #Mooring #107 - $305,000 107 - $305,000
Inside Harbor
35FT #129
Tucked Away On The Eastside Where You Have the benefit of the best protection from The Santa Ana’s. Short hop to the Dinghy
Dock and Minimal Exposure to Boat Traffic. Soak In the sfternoon
Sun. This One will not Last!!
Bob Locke 310 795 2311
Mooring #129 $100,000
,9 MM$1#129 $100,00000,000
Inside Harbor
50 FT #149
Great location directly in front of the Tuna Club; see My Map, Photo shows 149 in background with sailboat on it. Easy access to the mooring, and great neighbors!
This well protected mooring offers a flat water location with more of the afternoon sun. You are also conveniently located to ALL the dinghy docks. Get your offers in before it’s snapped up!!
Great price, get ready for summer!
Call Bob 310-795-2311
Mooring #149 $569,000
70ft Inside Harbor 247
This is a great opportunity to have a 70ft mooring in a very well protected, behind the breakwall, mooring. Lots of room to navigate your yacht into position when picking up the wand and sand line. An ideal location for spending the summer or winter months!
Bob Locke 310 795 2311
$1,850,000 SOLD
You can always let me ask!
Bob Locke
Please feel free to call me with your questions. There is more to buying and/or selling a mooring than you would think (Lots of rules). I have a great deal of knowledge from 18+ years of experience selling moorings in Avalon. I love Avalon and have been going there regularly over the past 52 years!
This is my 55ft custom built sailboat which I’ve been sailing to “The Island” on for the past 18 years, she was proceeded by a Cal 48, Catalina 38, Peterson 42, C&C41 and a 5.5 meter. All of these boats I single-handed, sailing, docking, and putting the boats on the moorings solo!
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